Drachma: Parents meeting on Thursday 13 February 2025: Everyone is welcome
Drachma is a space open to all persons of good will who seek sexual and spiritual integration. It includes lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgendered and intersex persons, as well as friends of LGBTI persons who wish to meet to pray together and explore the intersections between sexuality, gender, gender identity, faith, spirituality and religion. It also includes parents, siblings, relatives and all those who wish to accompany and support LGBTI people, and other parents and relatives of LGBTI persons in their life journeys.
Drachma LGBTI and Drachma Parents Group
Voluntary Organisations Reg. no. 1194
Registry for Legal Persons Reg. No. LPA-82
Postal Address: Drachma, c/o 91, Ta’ Lieni, Raymond Caruana Street, Gudja, GDJ 1011.
Drachma LGBTI
Phone: + 356 7925 3875
Email: [email protected]
Drachma Parents Group
Phone: +356 9945 4581
Email: [email protected]
European Forum of LGBT Christians: www.euroforumlgbtchristians.eu
Global Network of Rainbow Catholics: https://rainbowcatholics.wordpress.com
Forum Italiano Cristiani LGBT: https://forumcristianilgbt.wordpress.com
Platform of Human Rights Organisations of Malta: http://www.humanrightsplatform.org.mt
European Network of Parents of LGBTI+ Parents: [email protected]